Nothing contained in Sub-Article (1) hereof shall preclude legislation by
Parliament which permits the use of a language other than English for legislative,
administrative and judicial purposes in regions or areas where such other
language or languages are spoken by a substantial component of the population.
Article 4 Acquisition and Loss of Citizenship
The following persons shall be citizens of Namibia by birth:
those born in Namibia before the date of Independence whose fathers or
mothers would have been Namibian citizens at the time of the birth of such
persons, if this Constitution had been in force at that time; and
those born in Namibia before the date of Independence, who are not
Namibian citizens under Sub-Article (a) hereof, and whose fathers or
mothers were ordinarily resident in Namibia at the time of the birth of such
persons: provided that their fathers or mothers were not then persons:
(aa) who were enjoying diplomatic immunity in Namibia under any law
relating to diplomatic privileges; or
(bb) who were career representatives of another country; or
(cc) who were members of any police, military or security unit seconded
for service within Namibia by the Government of another country:
provided further that this Sub-Article shall not apply to persons
claiming citizenship of Namibia by birth if such persons were
ordinarily resident in Namibia at the date of Independence and had
been so resident for a continuous period of not less than five (5)
years prior to such date, or if the fathers or mothers of such persons
claiming citizenship were ordinarily resident in Namibia at the date of
the birth of such persons and had been so resident for a continuous
period of not less than five (5) years prior to such date;
those born in Namibia after the date of Independence whose fathers or
mothers are Namibian citizens at the time of the birth of such persons;
those born in Namibia after the date of Independence who do not qualify for
citizenship under Sub-Article (c) hereof, and whose fathers or mothers are
ordinarily resident in Namibia at the time of the birth of such persons:
provided that their fathers or mothers are not then persons:
(aa) enjoying diplomatic immunity in Namibia under any law relating to
diplomatic privileges; or
(bb) Who are career representatives of another country; or
(cc) who are members of any police, military or security unit seconded for
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