
shall be designated as follows:
- three, including the President of the Council, by the President of the Republic;

- three by the President of the National Assembly after consultation with the Bureau;

- three by the President of the Senate after consultation with the Bureau;

- two by the Higher Judicial Council.

Besides the eleven members provided for above, former Presidents of the Republic shall be ex-officio
members of the Constitutional Council for life.

In case of a tie, the President of the Constitutional Council shall have the casting vote.

(3) In the event of the death or resignation of a member or any other cause of incapacity or inability duly
established by the competent bodies provided for by law, a replacement shall be designated by the
competent authority or body concerned and appointed. to complete the term of office.

(4) Members of the Constitutional Council shall take the oath of office as laid down by law before
Parliament meeting in congress.

(5) The duties of member of the Constitutional Council shall be incompatible with those of member of
Government, of member of Parliament or of the Supreme Court. Other incompatibilities and matters
relating to the status of members, namely obligations, immunities and privileges shall be laid down by

Article 52

A law shall lay down the organization and functioning of the Constitutional Council, the conditions for
referring matters to it as well as the procedure applicable before it. (32 of 71)4/12/2005 10:53:07 AM

Select target paragraph3