(1) However, with regard to the subjects listed in Article 26 (2) above, Parliament may empower the
President of the Republic to legislate by way of ordinance for a limited period and for given purposes.
(2) Such ordinances shall enter into force on the date of their publication. They shall be tabled before the
bureaux of the National Assembly and the Senate for purposes of ratification within the time-limit laid
down by the enabling law. They shall be of a statutory nature as long as they have not been ratified.
(3) They shall remain in force as long as Parliament has not refused to ratify them.
Article 29
(1) Government bills and private members' bills shall be tabled at the same toe before the bureaux of the
National Assembly and the Senate. They shall be studied by the appropriate committees prior to their
being debated in plenary session.
(2) The bill debated in plenary session shall be that tabled by the President of the Republic. The private
members bill debated in plenary session shall be the next tabled by its author or authors.
(3) Such bills may be amended in the course of the debate.
Article 30
(1) A bill passed by the National Assembly shall be immediately forwarded to the President of the
Senate by the President of the National Assembly.
(2) The President of the Senate shall, upon receiving the bill forwarded by the President of National
Assembly, submit it to the Senate for consideration.
(3) Within 10 (ton) days, with effect from the date of receipt of the bill or 5(five) days for a bill declared
urgent by the Government, the Senate may: (21 of 71)4/12/2005 10:53:07 AM