Moreover, the uncoordinated development of ICT in Ethiopia has inevitably resulted in
acquisition and application of varying systems and standards; duplication of efforts and
wastage of scarce resources. The government therefore recognizes that ICT development
will need to be guided by appropriate standards and best practices.

In addition, if proper care and due protection is not given to the application of computers
and internet, various damages can transpire. For instance, missing of important data,
feeding false and inaccurate data/information can be experienced by individuals, business
affairs and public organizations. Thus, in order to use and apply ICT widely, it requires
the implementation of the necessary quality standards and the creation of a safe and
secure environment. Since information security and standards constitute integral parts of
the process of ICT development; the government will give priority to the creation of a
safe and secure ICT environment as well as appropriate standards.

Therefore, the government is committed to guide ICT and facilitate its application by
implementing the following integral part of the legal systems and security framework.

3.4.2. Goal
To safeguard national, institutional and individual security concerns as well as on the
basis of technological bonding put in place the institutional legal and regulatory systems
to support the development of ICT in the country.

3.4.3. Objectives and Strategies ICT’s Legal System Objectives
a) To establish standards and guidelines harmonized at national and regional
levels for the deployment and exploitation of ICT throughout the country.
a) To ensure intellectual property rights protection in ICT


Select target paragraph3