
33.—(1) Sections 26, 31 and 32 shall not apply where the act referred to is made for:
(a) personal or private use;
(b) the reporting of current events, provided that no more than short excerpts of the
performance of a sound or audiovisual recording or of a broadcast are used;
(c) use solely for the purpose of teaching or scientific research;
(d) such other purpose constituting a restriction in respect of a copyright under
section 14.
(2) The requirements for authorization in sections 26, 31 and 32 for making a fixation
of a performance and broadcast and for reproducing sound and audiovisual recordings
published for commercial purposes, shall not apply where the fixation or reproduction is made
by a broadcasting organization by means of its own facilities and for its own broadcast,
provided that:
(a) in respect of each broadcast or fixation or reproduction, the broadcasting
organization has the right to broadcast the particular performance;
(b) in respect of each broadcast or a fixation of a broadcast or any reproduction made
under this subsection, such fixations or reproductions shall be destroyed but a single copy
may be preserved exclusively for documentary purposes.
Part VII

Infringement of Copyright and Legal Consequences Thereof

The Offense of Copyright Infringement
34. Subject to the provisions of section 14, a person shall be deemed to have committed
the offense of copyright infringement if he knowingly and without permission of the owner of
such right:
(a) performs any of the acts mentioned in section 8 of this Act with regard to the whole
or a substantial part of the work;
(b) extracts, imitates, sells, hires, distributes, imports for commercial purposes or
exports any work in respect of which copyright has been infringed.
Competent Court
35.—(1) An action for damages by reason of wilful or unintentional infringement of
copyright shall be instituted in the court of first instance on an application by the copyright
owner or his agent.

Select target paragraph3