Supplement to Official Gazette
[21stApril 2014]
of distribution, unless this would be out of proportion to the
seriousness of the infringement.
31.(1) A person who willfully and on a commercial scale
infringes any reproduction rights protected under this Act,
commits an offence and shall on conviction be liable to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years or with a fine
not exceeding SCR50,000 m· with both such imprisonment and
Offences and
(2) The comt may, in fixing the amount of fine under
subsection (1 ) take into account the profits or loss attributable
to the infringement.
(3 ) Where a person is convicted for a second or
subsequent offence committed within five years of a previous
conviction under this section, the person shall be liable to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten years or with a fine
not exceeding SCRlOO,OOO or with both such imprisonment
and fine.
(4) The court may apply the measmes and remedies
referred to insection 29(1)(b) and (2) andsection 3 0(5), (6) and
32.(1) It is prohibited to
c i r c u m vent effective technological
protection measures; or
produce, import, distribute, sell, rent,
advertise for sale or rental, or possess
devices, products, components or services
for commercial purposes, which
are promoted, advertised or marketed
for the pmpose of circumventing
effective technological protection