3. To encourage the establishment of a strong national capacity on public information
Article 3: According to the present organic law and its regulations, a

Document: all information recorded in any form, however its nature, its
subject or origin;


Public body: all structures created by the state or its decentralized bodies


Organ similar to a public body: all structures that are part of a public body, all
bodies controlled, or receiving majority of its funding from the state, or all
private bodies to which the state or its decentralized structures have assigned a

Article 4: The provisions of this organic law apply to public bodies and affiliated structures as
defined in article 3 above and to all users without discrimination on the basis of origin, race, sex,
religion, ethnicity, political conviction or other considerations.
Chapter II: General Right of Access to Information
Article 5: Subject to the exceptions listed in chapter IV of the present organic law, and without
justifying the reason for the request, every person has the right to obtain information held by
public bodies or affiliated structures.
The following documents are accessible: legislative and regulatory texts, documents, reports,
studies, reviews, minutes, statistics, directives, instructions, circulars, manuals of administrative
procedures, opinions, decisions, vacancy announcements, and call for tenders.
Article 6: The right of access to information implies consulting a document produced or
preserved by a public body or an affiliated structure and to make notes, obtain copies or
photocopies and to obtain on electronic format.


Select target paragraph3