Provider Reference Infrastructure Sharing Offer
relation to access requirements and working practices to be employed.
Such standards are included in Annex G to this Agreement.
Provider shall accept, reject or request additional information in response to the
Infrastructure Seeker‟s communication within 5 Working Days of receipt.
Provider shall ensure that any Provider equipment installed at Provider Sites shall
be and shall continue to be compliant and will operate within the limits of any
relevant standards.
Interference with Others’ Services
When Provider has reasonable grounds to believe that the Infrastructure Seeker
is using equipment which is not Compliant Equipment or is otherwise causing
interference to other services (including Third Party Operators‟ services) Provider
10.1.1 notify the Infrastructure Seeker of its reasonable grounds for believing that
there is use of equipment which is not Compliant Equipment or
interference taking place; and
10.1.2 give the Infrastructure Seeker a reasonable opportunity to demonstrate
that this is not the case or to remedy the situation; and
10.1.3 if the Infrastructure Seeker fails to do so within a reasonable period
suspend or cease service to the ODF concerned or if it is not possible to
identify the ODF which is causing interference, service to the smallest
number of ODFs that can reasonably be identified as being necessary to
suspend in order to cease or prevent the interference.
If the Infrastructure Seeker's equipment adversely affects the normal operation of
Provider’s or any Third Party Operators‟ services, or is a threat to any person's
safety, in an emergency Provider may suspend, to the extent necessary, such of
its obligations hereunder, and for such period as may be reasonable, to ensure
the normal operation of the Provider System or any Third Party Operator‟s
system or reduce the threat to safety.
If Provider reasonably considers the equipment used by the Infrastructure Seeker
is not Compliant Equipment, the Infrastructure Seeker shall on request from
Provider to disconnect all necessary equipment in order to permit Provider to test
the characteristics of that ODF.
The relevant equipment or ODF shall be reconnected as soon as practicable
when the situation has been remedied.
Network Safety and Protection
Each Party is responsible for the safe operation of its Network and shall take all
reasonable and necessary steps in its operation and implementation of this
Agreement and use and provision of Services to ensure that it does not:
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