12 Transfer of request
(1) The head of a public body may, within ten days after a request for access to a record is received, transfer
the request to another public body if it appears to him that the record is in the custody or under the control of that
other public body or affects that other body.
(2) Where a request or a record is transferred in terms of subsection (1), the head of the transferring public
body shall notify the applicant of such transfer.
(3) The head of the public body to whom the transfer was made shall respond to the applicant’s request not
later than thirty days after receiving the request, unless the time for responding has been extended in terms of section eleven.
13 Delegation by head of public body
(1) The head of a public body may delegate to any person any function of a head of a pu blic body under this
Act, except such power of delegation.
(2) A delegation made in terms of subsection (1) shall be in writing and may contain any conditions or restrictions the head of the public body considers appropriate.


14 Protection of deliberations of Cabinet and local government bodies
(1) No information relating to the deliberations of Cabinet or any of its committees shall be revealed or disclosed to any person who is not authorised to have access to such information.
(2) The information referred to in subsection (1) shall include—
(a) any advice, policy considerations and recommendations made to Cabinet; and
(b) any draft legislation or regulations prepared for submission or submitted to Cabinet.
(3) Subsection (1) shall not apply to information contained in a record that has been in existence for twentyfive or more years.
(4) No information relating to the deliberations of a local government body which were held in camera shall
be revealed or disclosed to any person who is not authorised to have access to such information.
(5) Subsection (4) shall not apply to circumstances where the deliberations, resolution or draft resolution was
made or considered in the presence of members of the public.
15 Protection of advice relating to policy
(1) The head of a public body may not disclose to an applicant information relating to advice or recommendations given to the President, a Cabinet Minister or a public body.
(2) Subsection (1) shall not apply to the following classes of information—
(a) a public opinion poll;
(b) a statistical survey;
(c) an appraisal of an employee of the public body;
(d) a forecast of the economy;
(e) information relating to the state of the environment;
(f) an audit or performance report of a public body;
(g) a consumer test report or a report of a test carried out on a product to test equipment of the public body;
(h) a feasibility or technical study, including a cost estimate, relating to a policy or project of the public
(i) a report on the results of a field research undertaken before a policy proposal is formulated;
(j) a report of a committee, council or similar body that has been established to consider any matter and
make reports or recommendations to a public body;
(k) a plan or proposal to establish a new programme or to change a programme, where the original plan or
proposal had been approved or rejected by the head of the public body;
(l) information that the head of the public body has cited publicly as the basis for making a decision or formulating a policy;
(m) a decision, including the reasons thereof, that is made in the exercise of a discretionary power or an adjudicative function that affects the rights of the applicant;
(n) information contained in a record that has been in existence for ten or more years.
16 Protection of information subject to client-attorney privilege
The head of a public body shall not disclose to an applicant information that is subject to client-attorney privilege.
17 Protection of information whose disclosure will be harmful to law enforcement process and
national security
(1) The head of a public body shall not disclose to an applicant information whose disclosure would—

Select target paragraph3