A person appointed thereof (either especially or generally) by the Court or by a Judge in
Chambers, unless another mode of service is prescribed by these Rules; or
a solicitor filing the document who must give a written undertaking at the time of filing the
document to the registrar receiving the document that his Chambers shall serve the document on
the other party or his solicitor and that he would file with the registrar a proof of the service
signed by the other party or his solicitor; or
The Court or a Judge in Chambers by such other method of service as the Court or Judge in
Chambers may otherwise direct.
Service of process: how effected.
Save as otherwise prescribed by any of these Rules, an originating process shall be served
personally by delivering to the person to be served a copy of the document, duly certified by the
Registrar as being a true copy of the original process filed, without exhibiting the original thereof.
When process need not be served
No service of a writ of summons or other process on the defendant shall be necessary when the
defendant by his legal practitioner undertakes in writing to accept service.
Special bailiff
(1) The Court may in any civil case, for reasons which seems to it sufficient, appoint any
process to be executed by a special bailiff, who for the time being shall have the privileges and
liabilities of an officer of Court.
The expenses of the special bailiff shall be defrayed by the party on whose application he is
appointed unless the Court in any case sees any reason to vary this rule.
Substituted service
Where it appears to the Court (either after or without an attempt at personal service) that for any
reason personal service cannot be conveniently affected, the Court may order that service be
effected eitherBy delivery of the document to an adult person at the usual or last known place of abode or
business of the person to be served; or
by delivery of the document to some person being an agent of the person to be served, or to
some other person, on it being proved that there is reasonable probability that the document
would in the ordinary course, through that agent or other person, come to the knowledge of the
person to be served; or
By advertisement in the Federal Government Official Gazette, or in some newspaper
circulating within the jurisdiction; or
by notice put up at the principal Court-House of, or some other place of public resort in the
Judicial Division wherein the proceeding in respect of which the service is made is instituted,
or at the usual or last known place of abode, or of business, of the person to be served; or
by service where a party is represented by a legal practitioner, of notices, pleadings, petitions, orders,
summonses, warrants and
other proceedings,
communications on the legal practitioner or his clerk.