Table of Rwandan Frequency Allocations
services, civil and military, transmitting or receiving within the territory of the Republic of
Where the provisions of the international frequency allocations and the Rwandan
frequency allocations differ, those of the Republic of Rwanda shall apply.
5. Conventions
5.1. The following conventions are employed in the Frequency Allocation Tables:
5.1.1. Where in both the International column and the Rwandan column a frequency band
is allocated to more than one radio service, the names of such services are listed in the
following order:PRIMARY services - printed in capitals;
SECONDARY services - printed in lower case.
5.1.2. In addition to the above, where a frequency band is allocated to two or more services
of equal status, the names of such services are listed in alphabetical order. This order of
listing does not confer any precedence upon radio services which are of equal status.
5.1.3. Stations of a secondary service:

shall not cause harmful interference to stations of primary services to which
frequencies are already assigned or to which frequencies may be assigned at a later


cannot claim protection from harmful interference from stations of a primary service
to which frequencies are already assigned or may be assigned at a later date;


can claim protection, however, from harmful interference from stations of the same or
other secondary service(s) to which frequencies may be assigned at a later date.

6. Footnotes

Where footnotes are employed the following rules apply:

6.1.1. Where a footnote is printed on the same line as the name of a radio service the
footnote applies only to that service.
6.1.2. Where a footnote is printed below the radio services listed and not on the
same line as a radio service, the footnote applies to that band or some part thereof.
6.1.3. Footnotes in the International column are identified in and below those column
entries by a number, eg ‘5.123’. Where references are made in or below the Rwandan
column entries to these International footnotes, they are similarly identified.
National footnotes to the Rwandan column are always identified by the prefix 'RW' –
e.g. 'RW1'.

7. Definitions

The following general and service definitions apply.

Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Authority, January 2015

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