Order 7
Petition: General Provisions
1. This Order shall apply to petitions by which civil proceedings in the Court are begun, subject, in the case of
petitions of any particular class, to any special provisions relating to petitions of that class made by or under any
Act or Law.
2. (1) Every person shall include a concise statement of the nature of the claim made or relief or remedy required
in the proceedings begun thereby.
(2) Every petition shall include at the end thereof a statement of the names of the persons, if any, required to be
served therewith or if no person is required to be served, a statement to that effect.
(3) Where a person brings a petition by a legal practitioner, the petition shall be endorsed with that person's
address and the legal practitioner's name or firm and a business address of his within the jurisdiction and also, if
the legal practitioner is the agent of another, the name or firm and business address of his principal.

(4) Where a person brings a petition in person, the petition shall be endorsed with(a) the address of his place of residence and if his place of residence is not within the jurisdication or if he has no
place of residence, the address of a place within the jurisdication at or to which documents for him may be
delivered or sent;
(b) his occupation; and
(c) an address for service.
3. A petition shall be presented in the Court Registry.
4. (1) A day and time for the hearing of a petition which is required to be heard shall be fixed by the Registrar.

(2) Unless the Court otherwise directs, a petition which is required to be served on any person shall be served on
him not less than seven days before the day fixed for the hearing of the petition.
5. No application in any pending cause or matter may be made by petition.
Order 8
Interlocutory Applications
I. Motions Generally
1. An interlocutory application may be made at any stage of an action.
2. (1) Where by these Rules any application is authorised to be made to the Court or a Judge in chambers or a
Registrar, the application may be made by motion.
(2) The Registrar shall make up, for each day on which there are any motions to be heard, a motion list on which
he shall enter the names of each cause in which a motion is made, the party moving, and the terms of the order
sought by him.
3. Every motion shall be supported by affidavit setting out the grounds on which the party moving intends to rely
and no affidavit shall be used at the hearing unless it is duly filed.
4. Where service of a motion is required by these Rules or directed by the Court or Judge, the motion shall be
served together with all affidavits on which the party moving intends to rely.
5. A motion may be heard at any time while the Court is sitting.

Select target paragraph3