8. When the suit is against a corporation or a company authorised to sue and be sued in its name or in the name
of an officer or trustee, the writ or other document may be served, subject to the enactment establishing that
corporation or company or under which it is registered, as the case may be, by giving the writ or document to
any director, secretary, or other principal officer, or by leaving it at the office, of the corporation or company.
9. Where the person on whom service is to be effected is living or serving on board of any ship, it shall be
sufficient to deliver the writ or other document to the person on board who is at the time of the service
apparently in charge of that ship.
10. Where the person on whom service is to be effected is a prisoner a prison, or a lunatic in any asylum, it shall
be sufficient service to deliver the writ or other document at the prison or asylum to the superintendent or person
appearing to be the head officer in charge.
11. Where an infant is a party to an action, service on his father or guardian, or if none, then upon the person
with whom the infant resides or under whose care he is, shall, unless the Court or a Judge in chambers otherwise
Provided that the Court or Judge may order that service made or to be made on an infant personally shall be
deemed good service.
12. Where service is to be made upon a person residing out of, but carrying on business within the jurisdiction in
his own name or under the name of a firm through an authorised agent and the proceeding is limited to a cause of
action which arose within the jurisdiction, the writ or other document may be served by giving it to that agent
and such service shall be equivalent to personal service.
B. Service out of Jurisdiction
13. Service out of jurisdiction of a writ of summons or notice of a writ of summons may be allowed by the Court
or a Judge in chambers whenever(a) the whole subject-matter of the action is land situate within the jurisdiction (with or without rents or profits);
(b) any act, deed, will, contract, obligation, or liability affecting land or hereditaments situate within the
jurisdiction is sought to be construed, testified, set aside or enforced in the action; or
(c) any relief is sought against any person domiciled or ordinarily resident within the jurisdiction; or
(d) the action is for the administration of the personal estate of any deceased person, who at the time of his death
was domiciled within the jurisdiction, or for the execution (as to property situate within the jurisdiction) of the
trusts of any written instrument, which ought to be executed according to the law in force in the jurisdiction; or
(e) the action is one brought against the defendant to enforce, rescind, dissolve, annul or otherwise affect a
contract or to recover damages or other relief for or in respect of a breach of a contract(i) made within the jurisdiction,
(ii) made by or through an agent trading or residing within the jurisdiction on behalf of a principal or residing out
of the jurisdiction,
(iii) by its terms or by implication to be governed by the law in force in the jurisdiction, or is brought against the
defendant in respect of a breach committed within the jurisdiction of a contract wherever made even though the
breach was preceded or accompanied by a breach out of the jurisdiction which rendered impossible the
performance of the part of the contract which ought to have been performed within the jurisdiction; or
(f) the action is founded on a tort or other civil wrong committed within the jurisdiction; or
(g) any injunction is sought as to anything to be done within the jurisdiction, or any nuisance within the
jurisdiction is sought to be prevented or removed, whether damages are or are not also sought in respect thereof;

Select target paragraph3