10No. 14

Consumer Protection

(5) The Government shall endeavour to promote the circulation of
information and technology, goods and services in order to' assist the
consumer make a sound and informed choice and the technology,
goods and services.

(6) The Government shall endeavour to' ensure access to
basic or essential needs and where appropriate prescribe
minimum standards.
Responsibilities of the
Local Authorities

5.--(1) Local Authorities shall have the responsibility to' plan
measures paralleling those of the Government as well as plan and
execute measures concerning consumer protection according to the
social and economic condition of the area under their jurisdiction.
(2) Local Authorities shall, in collaboration with the Council, have
the responsibility of implementing the provisions of this Act and any
other written laws on matters of consumer protection.

Obligations of a
supplier or a trader

6.--(I) A supplier or trader of technology, goads or services
shall (a) take necessary and appropriate measures concerning technology,
goods and services he provides far the prevention of danger;
(b) ensure correct ingredients, measures or weights and give proper
indications of technology, goods and services, as the case may be;
(c) ensure that imported technology, goods meet the Malawi
(d) co-operate with the Government or Local Authorities in the
execution of policies relating to- consumer protection;
(e) not supply technology, goods or services which can cause injury or
harm to a consumer or the environment and which do not comply with
the Malawi Safety Standards;
(f) not engage in any unfair trade practices;
(g) produce and show a business record, when requested to do so, to a
member of the Council or a person duly authorized by the
Provided that a member of the Council or a person duly
authorized by the Council shall an demand produce to' the trader or
supplier a valid identification; and
(h) provide consumers with true, sufficient, clear and timely
information an technology, goods or services that they offer.
(2) Any supplier or trader who' contravenes subsection (1) shall be
guilty of an offence and upon conviction, liable to' _ fine of

K500, 000 and to' imprisonment far five years. I
Responsibility of the

7. The _consumer shall take the initiative to' acquire the necessary
knowledge of consumer life and endeavour to' behave self-reliantly
and rationally.

Select target paragraph3