No. 2 of 1998
Kenya Information and Communications
[Rev. 2018]
“Board” means the Board of Directors constituted under section 6;
“broadcaster” means any legal or natural person who composes or
packages or distributes television or radio programme services for reception by
the public or sections of the public or subscribers to such a service, irrespective
of technology used;
“broadcasting” means unidirectional conveyance of sounds or television
programmes, whether encrypted or not by radio or other means of
telecommunications, for reception by the public;
“broadcasting service” means any service which consists of the
broadcasting of television or sound broadcasting programs to the public,
sections of the public or subscribers to such a service;
“broadcasting signal distribution” means the process whereby the output
signal of a broadcasting service is taken from the point of origin, being the point
where such signal is made available in its final content format, from where it
is conveyed to any broadcast target area by means of a telecommunication
process and includes multi-channel distribution;
“Cabinet Secretary”means the Cabinet Secretary for the time being
responsible for information, communication and technology;
“certificate” means a record which is issued by a certification service
provider for the purpose of supporting a digital signature which purports to
confirm the identity or other significant characteristics of the person who holds a
particular key pair; identifies the certification service provider issuing it; names
or identifies the person to whom it is issued; contains the public key of the person
to whom it is issued; and is signed by a responsible officer of the certification
service provider issuing it;
“certification service provider” means a person who has been granted a
licence to issue a digital signature certificate;
“Commission”means the Communications Authority of Kenya;
“community” includes a geographically founded community or any group of
persons or sector of the public having a specific, ascertainable common interest;
“community broadcasting service” means a broadcasting service which
meets all the following requirements—
(a) is fully controlled by a non-profit entity and carried on for nonprofitable purposes;
(b) serves a particular community;
(c) encourages members of the community served by it or persons
associated with or promoting the interests of such community to
participate in the selection and provision of programmes to be
broadcast in the course of such broadcasting service; and
(d) may be funded by donations, grants, sponsorships or membership
fees, or by any combination of the aforementioned;
“computer” means any electronic, magnetic, optical or other high-speed
data processing device or system which performs logical, arithmetic and
memory functions by manipulations of electronic, magnetic or optical impulses,
and includes all input, output, processing, storage, software and communication
facilities which are connected or related as a system or network;