then, upon notice, the owner shall have no more than 30 days to bring the
facility into compliance unless a time extension has been granted for good
cause by the Authority. Failure to do so shall constitute grounds for the
removal of the facility at the operator’s expense.
4.1.4 Signage
No signs, including commercial advertising, logo, political signs, flyers, flags, or
banners, but excluding warning signs, shall be allowed on any part of an
antenna or communication tower. Any signs placed in violation of these
guidelines shall be removed immediately at the owner or operator’s expense.
Not withstanding the foregoing, the following warning signs shall be utilized in
connection with the tower or antenna site, as applicable: If high voltage is necessary for the operation of the tower or any
backhaul network or associated equipment, “HIGH VOLTAGE – DANGER”
warning signs shall be permanently attached to the fence or wall surrounding
the structure. The warning sign on wireless communication facilities shall be readable
from 5m and shall not be larger than 0.36m2 in order to provide adequate
notification to persons in the immediate area of the presence of an antenna.
Sign shall contain the name(s) of the owner(s) and operators of the antenna as
well as emergency phone number(s).
4.1.5 Parking
Adequate parking spaces shall be provided for use by maintenance personnel on
each site so that right-of-way for parking on a public road will not be
necessary. A minimum of one parking space shall be provided per user located
on the facility site.
4.1.6 Security of wireless communication facility
Exclusion zone should be determined and defined by acceptable physical
barriers and appropriate gating. The physical barrier shall be of a minimum of 3
meters in height to prevent intrusion.
4.1.7 Facility replacement Modification to existing site