survey indicated that annual ICT expenditure in Botswana might be
approaching 1Billion Pula. This is very encouraging and demonstrates
the significant domestic demand for ICT products and services –
however, much of this revenue goes directly abroad and not to local IT
companies. Based on this impressive internal demand for ICT products
and services, the survey stressed the urgency for development of more
domestic specialised ICT skills such as Oracle and SAP certification,
and the need for on-the-job training etc. to ensure that young graduates
have a career path in Botswana’s emerging ICT sector, and that these
significant revenues remain within the country.
¾ Despite the Botswana Government’s commitment to promoting ICT as a
priority, e-Government information and services are still at a very early
stage. It is imperative that Botswana address the gap between the eGovernment messages and the reality that constituents experience every
¾ In some respects, Botswana is performing at or above global averages in
terms of ICT infrastructure. For example, waiting time for phones is
acceptable. Internet access is reasonably affordable, ranking in the
middle tier of countries worldwide.
¾ In other areas, infrastructure is inadequate. Telecommunications
investment is very low and declining. The availability of telephone
mainlines is poor. The country has the fewest Internet hosts per capita of
any of the eight nations examined.
¾ Relative to other countries, Botswana boasts a very advanced legal and
legislative system that is generally conducive to the proliferation of ICT
and ICT-related industries. Botswana’s highly developed legal system is
an asset that can be used to assist with the orderly transition to an
information-based economy.

The Best Practices Conclusions showed that countries in all parts of the
world have introduced innovative ICT applications that can significantly
contribute to social, economic and cultural development. There are many
examples of ICT programmes, projects and applications that Botswana
can examine to provide learning and guidance to the Maitlamo initiative.
If these Best Practices are studied closely, adapted to meet Botswana’s
needs, and implemented wisely, Botswana can not only make rapid
progress in terms of ICT diffusion, but also may leapfrog over many
countries that began their ICT initiatives years ahead of the Maitlamo

Select target paragraph3