c) Articles containing any perishable contents where the condition of the postal or courier
article is such as to be likely to cause injury, damage or delay to any other postal or courier
article, or as to be likely to cause damage or embarrassment to any officer of the postal or
courier operator or to any person employed in connection with the postal or courier services;
d) Letters or other postal or courier articles that are undeliverable due to an undecipherable or
non-existent address or post code may be opened by a postal or courier licensee and where
the letter or articles is capable of being delivered based on information in the letter or article,
the letter or article shall be delivered accordingly;
e) Every undeliverable postal article that has been opened and remains undeliverable shall be
scrapped after a period of two (2) months from the date of the opening, where there is no
value contained therein. In case of unwrapped mails containing values, such mails shall be
handed to the postal operator in charge of the universal postal service after a period of five
(5) years from delivery to the postal operator.
f) Where a postal or courier article is opened as provided in by the above paragraphs, shall
ensure a mark is affixed on the postal or courier article indicating:
1. Date and time of opening;
2. Period it has remained undelivered;
3. Contents; and
4. Whatever action the licensee decides to undertake with the undelivered article.

Article 35: Disposal of undeliverable articles
An Order of the Minister in charge of postal services determines the management of values
handed to the postal operator in charge of universal postal service.

Article 36: Prohibited articles
The following articles shall not be conveyed or delivered by post al or courier
a) Any explosive, inflammable, dangerous, noxious or deleterious substance, filthy, sharp
instrument not properly protected or any article or thing whatsoever which is likely to injure
either other postal or courier articles in the course of conveyance or any person handling the
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