(b) Southern Sudan level of government, which shall exercise
authority in respect of the people and states in Southern
(c) The state level of government, which shall exercise authority
at the state level throughout the Sudan and render public
services through the level closest to the people,
(d) Local level of government, which shall be throughout the
Devolution of Powers
25 The following principles shall guide the devolution and distribution
of powers between all levels of government:(a) recognition of the autonomy of the Government of Southern
Sudan and the states,
(b) affirmation of the need for norms and standards of
governance and management at national, Southern Sudan
and state levels, that reflect the unity of the country while
asserting the diversity of the Sudanese people,
(c) acknowledgement of the role of the State in the promotion of
the welfare of the people and protection of their human rights
and fundamental freedoms,
(d) recognition of the need for the involvement and participation
of all Sudanese people, particularly the people of Southern
Sudan, at all levels of government as an expression of the
national unity of the country,
(e) pursuit
transparency, accountability and the rule of law at all levels of
government to consolidate lasting peace.
Inter-Governmental Linkages
26(1) In the administration of the decentralized system of the country,
the following principles of inter-governmental linkages shall be
respected:(a) the linkage between the national government and the
states in Southern Sudan shall be through the government
of Southern Sudan,
(b) in their relationships with each other or with other
government organs, all levels of government and particularly
national, Southern Sudan and state
observe the following:11