d) Promoting systematic and comprehensive expansion of
telecommunications infrastructure and services with special
attention to rural and urban marginalised areas.
The Government will adopt the following strategies to achieve the
above policy objectives:
a) Promote competition, increased customer choice and accelerated
investment through liberalization of the sector and the licensing of
new players in the various telecommunications market segments;
b) Promote network and service unbundling, infrastructure sharing
and collocation; and
c) Establish technology-neutral licensing framework that enhances
innovation in service delivery.
d) Restructure the Telkom Kenya to promote efficiency;
e) Establish universal access mechanisms for promotion of wider
access to telecommunications services;
f) Promote Public-Private partnership in the development
telecommunications infrastructure and equipment;
g) Collaborate with other countries to
telecommunications infrastructure project;
h) Integrate gender, youth, disadvantaged groups and people with
special needs in developing the networks;
i) Require that physical infrastructure providers – for example, roads,
railways, pipelines, property developers and power – to make
provision for future installation of ICT facilities.