Broadcast media have emerged as one of the most powerful communication
tools in the 21st century thus revolutionising the way in which individuals
and societies interact.
A series of reforms have been undertaken in the broadcasting sub-sector to
ensure that it becomes competitive and serves the growing needs of the
people of Kenya. Consequently, over 24 radio and 16 TV stations are
The aim of this policy is to provide a rational and comprehensive framework
to govern the establishment, ownership, control, management and delivery of
information, entertainment and educational services to Kenyans through
provision of efficient and reliable broadcasting. The policy further aims to
outline the framework within which national public broadcasting, private
broadcasting and community broadcasting and signal distribution services
will be provided. It also provides for capacity building in the sector.

The overall policy objective for the sector is to create an environment that
enables broadcasting services to be provided in the public interest and to
contribute equitably to the socio-economic and cultural development of
Kenya. Specific objectives of the policy are:
(a) Development of a legal and regulatory framework as a basis for
investment in, growth and sustenance of broadcasting services
and for dispute resolution;
(b) Encouraging the growth of a broadcasting industry that is
efficient, competitive and responsive to audience needs and
(c) Provision of a licensing process and for the acquisition of licences
and allocation of frequencies through an equitable process;


Select target paragraph3