As a guiding , in drawing up this strategy the method used was that of a logical framework based
on identifying first the main problems and setting strategic goals for achieving the objectives
defined. For each objective defined, specific aims and actions were established, which need to be
implemented in order to attain these objectives.

To this end, consultations were held at the provincial and national level, involving a variety of
State institutions, local communities, scientific research institutes, universities, artists, economic
agents and civil society in general.

These consultations consisted in workshops and work meetings aimed at:
a) Canvassing the views of the abovementioned agents on relevant matters that must
underpin the strategy, in particular constraints, opportunities and challenges;
b) Pooling ideas on how to implement the strategy effectively; and
c) Collecting information for drafting a framework that reflects the diagnosis of the current

In addition, a study was conducted on the current situation of intellectual property and current
levels of knowledge and use, with support from the World Intellectual property Organization.
The findings of the study were important for diagnosing the situation of intellectual property in
Mozambique and helped identify the problems deserving more attention in the actions to be
decided on and carried out in the future.

Select target paragraph3