and sentenced in respect thereof as if he were the importer, exporter or owner.
(3) Any such manager, agent or employee may be so convicted and sentenced in

addition to the importer, exporter or owner. 


The Minister may make regulations— 

prescribing the manner in which sellers of seed and seed testing
laboratories shall be registered, and the forms which shall be used for, and the
information which shall be furnished with, any application for registration;
prescribing the manner in which and the time within which an appeal
under section seven shall be noted and prosecuted;
for preventing the adulteration of seed or the tampering with
containers thereof;
prescribing the fees to be paid in respect of the testing. examination or
analysis of samples of seed or the testing or examination of seed or any plant grown
for preventing the use of false or misleading statements in
advertisements of seed;
requiring any person who has in his possession or under his control
any seed for sale to keep records relating thereto in the form and manner prescribed
and to render returns in the form and manner and at the times prescribed;
prescribing the methods to be employed and the certificate to be
issued in respect of the testing, examination or analysis of samples taken under this
establishing grades with appropriate grade names for seed;
prescribing a list of variety names and the terms and conditions under
which variety names may be used;
( j)
in respect of any other matter under this Act which is to be prescribed;
and, generally, for the efficient carrying out of the objects and purposes of this Act.

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