prescribe the manner in which application for registration in terms of
the scheme shall be made and the circumstances under which any such registration
may be refused or cancelled;
prescribe the kinds and varieties of seed to which the provisions of the
scheme shall apply;
provide for the manner in which and the control subject to which seed
intended for certification or approval for use in Zimbabwe shall be produced, cleaned
or treated;
prescribe the requirements which shall be complied with before seed
of any kind or variety may be certified or approved in terms thereof;
prescribe the manner in which seed shall be certified or approved, the
form of the certificate and the circumstances under which any certificate issued shall
designate the person who or body which shall be responsible for the
certification or approval of seed of a particular kind or variety;
prescribe the manner in which any certified or approved seed shall be
packed, marked, labelled, stored or sold;
prescribe the records to be kept and the information to be furnished by
persons to whom the provisions of the scheme apply;
prescribe the fees or charges to be paid to the organization responsible
for the administration of the scheme by persons to whom the provisions of the
scheme apply and stipulate that the rendering of any service may be refused to any
person who is indebted to such organization for any amount in respect of such fees or
charges or otherwise fails to comply with any requirements of the scheme;
( j)
provide generally for any such matter as, in the opinion of the
Minister, it is necessary or desirable to provide for in order that the objects of the
scheme may be achieved.
(2) Where in terms of any scheme the person or body designated in terms of
paragraph ( f ) of subsection (1) is empowered to declare, by notice in the Gazette, as
a certifying agency another person or body to certify seed on its behalf, the Minister
may, by notice in the Gazette, notwithstanding the provisions of that scheme. restrict
the seed which the person or body may certify to a particular kind or variety and may
amend any notice published by the person or body designated in terms of paragraph
( f ) of subsection (1) accordingly.
Appointment of inspectors and analysts
Subject to the law relating to the Public Service, the Minister may from time to time
appoint seed inspectors and seed analysts for the purposes of this Act.
Powers of inspectors
(1) A seed inspector may at all reasonable times—
enter upon any premises, place or vehicle at or in which there is, or is
on reasonable grounds suspected to be, any seed;
inspect any seed, book, record or document found in or upon such
premises, place or vehicle;
seize and detain any seed, book, record or document found in or upon
such premises, place or vehicle which may afford evidence of a contravention of this
take so many samples or such quantities of any such seed as he may
deem necessary for the purposes of testing, examination or analysis in terms of this
Act or to ascertain whether there has been any contravention of any provisions of or
conditions imposed under this Act.
(2) Any sample taken in terms of paragraph (d) of subsection (1) shall be taken in

Select target paragraph3