No. 34


(s) protect public health and safety;
(t) negotiate with the relevant Ministries, local authorities and
private land owners with respect to rights of way;
(u) render technical assistance on communication matters to
the Minister; and
(v) generally implement the objectives of this Act and do all
such things as are necessary, incidental or conducive to the better
carrying out of the functions of the Authority.
7. The Authority shall consist of__

(a) six members, appointed in accordance with section 8;
(b) the following ex-officio members__
(i) the Secretary for Information or his representative ;
(ii) the Secretary to the Treasury or his representative ; and
(iii) the Solicitor general or his representative.

8.__(1) The President shall appoint members of the Authority,
other than ex-officio members, and each appointment shall be
subject to confirmation by the Public Appointments Committee of
(2) A person to be appointed as a member of the Authority shall__


of the

of members
the Authority

(a) be a citizen of, and resident in, Malawi;
(b) possess qualifications, expertise and experience in any of
the fields of posts, telecommunications technology, electronic
communications, broadcasting, frequency planning, law, information communication technology, economics or finance; and
(c) not be a person who has, within the last three years, been
convicted by a competent court of a crime which is punishable
with imprisonment without an option of a fine.

(3) In appointing members of the Authority under subsection (1),
the President shall have regard to gender equality and the need for
continuity of service on the Authority and balance representantion
in terms of qualifications referred to in subsection(2).

(4) The names of all members of the Authority, and every change
of membership, shall be published in the Gazette.

9. A person shall be disqualified from being appointed as a
member Authority if the person__
(a) is a Member of Parliament;
(b) is a Minister or deputy Minister;
(c) holds a position in a political party;

on from

Select target paragraph3