No. 34


“frequency spectrum licence” means a licence issued to grant
the right to use the radio-frequency spectrum to operate a network
facility or radio communication equipment of a specified kind at
a specified frequency, or in any specified frequency band or
bands, and which may include spectrum assignments and apparatus assignments;

“frequency spectrum service” means a service involving the
transmission, emission or reception of radio waves for specific
communications purposes;
“individual licence” means a licence issued by the Authority to
a particular entity on terms specific to that entity;

“interconnection” means the physical and logical connection of
two or more electronic communications networks;

“interconnection agreement” means an agreement between
licensees in relation to the interconnection of their services;

“interconnection provider” means a person providing an
interconnection service to other licensees in accordance with a
licence issued by the Authority;
“licence area” means the geographical area specified in a

“message” means any communication sent, received or made
by communications systems or services, or given to any entity to
be sent or delivered by electronic communications networks or

“multi-channel distribution service” means a broadcasting
signal distribution service that provides broadcasting signal
distribution for more than one channel at the same time on the
same signal;

“postal service” means any system for the collection, dispatch,
conveyance, handling and delivery of letters, postcards, printed
papers, commercial papers, samples, parcels or other similar

“post office” means any building, house, room, receptacle,
vessel, vehicle or place where postal articles are received, sorted,
dispatched or delivered;

“postage” means the amount chargeable for the transmission of
an article by post, and includes any special charges or fees for
supplementary services supplied in connection with the transmission of an article by post;


Select target paragraph3