This study was made possible thanks to the support of the Research ICT Africa (RIA) network and
the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canada, to whom we would like to extend
a word of thanks.
The CEFRED would like to thank the President of the Autorité Transitoire de Régulation des Postes et
des Télécommunications (ATRPT) (Transitional Posts and Telecommunication Regulation Authority)
and the researchers at CEFRED. The author of this report would like to thank the executives of
ATRPT, and in particular Mr Marcelin Oloubade, Executive Secretary of the ATRPT, and Mr Luc Boco,
Head of the Study Division of the ATRPT, for their availability and open collaboration.
The author would like to thank the researchers at CEFRED whose contribution has made the current
report possible. He would also like to thank the interns, Mesdames Inès Mouwanou and Nadège
Djossou, for their contributions to the completion of the report. The interviewers who administered
the TRE questionnaire are not forgotten. The author’s thanks also goes to the commentators whose
comments have enabled us to improve this report. Finally, the author thanks the respondents who
partook in the questionnaire on the evaluation of the ICT regulatory environment (TRE) as well as all
the other people who have helped in the drafting of this report. However, the author alone is
responsible for shortcomings.
The original French versions of the reports in the French-speaking member countries were
examined by Laura Recuerovirto and Jean Paul Simon. The author and the publishers of the series
are grateful for their generous contribution of time and expertise.

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