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Miscellaneous savings.
(1) This Act shall not exempt any person from any action, suit or other proceeding
which might but for this Act be brought against him.
(2) Nothing in this Act shall entitle any -person to refuse to make a complete dis
covery, or to answer any question or interrogatory in any action, but such discovery or answer
shall not be admissible in evidence against SUCll person in any prosecution for an offence
against this Act.
(3) Nothing in this Act shall be construed so as to render liable to any prosecution
or punishment any servant of a master resident in Swaziland who bonafide acts in obedience
to instructions of such master and on demand made by or on behalf of tIle prosecutor has
given full information as to his master.
of Royal Warrant.
Any person who falsely represents that any goods are made by a person holding a
Royal Warrant or for the service of His Majesty or of the Ngwenyarna or of the N dhlovukati
or any of the Royal Family OT of the Government shall be liable on summary conviction to a
penalty not exceeding forty rand Of, i11 default or payment, to imprisonment for a period Dot
exceeding four months.
[Being section 103
of the Patents, Designs and Trade Marks Act, 1883 ofthe United Kingdom.i
If Her Majesty is pleased to make any arrangement with tile Government or Govern
ments of any foreign State or States for mutual protection of inventions, designs and trade
marks or any of them, then any person who has applied for protection fer any invention,
design or trade mark in any such Stare shall be entitled to a patent for his invention or to
registration of his design or trade mark (as the 'case may be) under this Act in priority to
other applicants; and such patent or registration shall have the same date as the date of tile
protection obtained in such foreign State: Provided that his application is made hi the case
of a patent within seven. months .2..n d in the case of 2. design or trade mark within four months
from his applying for protection in the foreign State" with which the arrangement is in force:
Provided that nothing in. this section contained shall entitle the patentee 01" proprietor of the
design or trade mark to recover damages fOT infringemeuts happening prior to the date of
the actual acceptance of his complete specification or the actual registration of his design
or trade mark ill this country as the case may be.
The publication in the United Kingdom or tne Isle of Man during the respective
periods aforesaid of any description of the invention or the use therein during snell periods
of tile invention or the exhibition or use therein during such periods of the design or the
publication therein during such periods of a description or representation of the design or
the use therein during s1..1c11 periods of the trade mark shall not invalidate the patent which
may be granted for the invention or the registration of tile design or trade mark.
The application for the grant of a patent or the registration 'of a design or the regis
tration of a trade mark under this section must be made in the S2.1T:.e manner 2.S 2.:.:J ordinary
application under this Act: Provided that in the C2.S.e of trade marks any trade mark the
registration of which has been duly applied for In 1:D.e country of origin may be registered
un der this Act.
The provisions of this section shall apply only in the case of those foreign States in
respect to which Her Majesty shall from time to time by Order in Council declare them to be
applicable and so long only in the case of each State 2S the Order E1 COUTIcil shall continue
in force with respect to that State.