Pursuant to the Law n° 02/2013 of 08/02/2013 Regulating Media especially in Articles
4, 7,11,16,18 and 23;
Pursuant to the Law n° 09/2013
01/03/2013 establishing Rwanda Utilities
Regulatory Authority (RURA) and determining its mission, powers, organization and
functioning, especially in Articles 5 ,8,10,20,37,47and 48;
Based on the recommendations made during the consultative meeting held on 23
August 2013, between RURA and different stakeholders;
The Regulatory Board, upon due consideration and deliberation in its meeting of
February 12th 2014;
HEREBY issues the following Regulations on subscription satellite television services;
Article one: Purpose of these Regulations
The purpose of these regulations is to establish a licensing and regulatory framework
for undertaking of subscription satellite television activities so as to deliver effective and
sustainable services in Rwanda.
Article 2: Scope of these Regulations
These regulations shall apply to any person carrying out or intending to carry out
subscription satellite television services.