Act 2

Computer Misuse Act


7. Modification of contents.
A modification of the contents of any computer takes place if, by the
operation of any function of the computer concerned or any other
computer connected to it result into—

(a) a program, data or data message held in the computer
concerned being altered or erased; or
(b) a program, data or data message being added to its contents.

8. Unauthorised modification.
Modification is unauthorised if—

(a) the person whose act causes it, is not entitled to determine
whether the modification should be made; and

(b) he or she does not have consent to the modification from a
person who is entitled.


Preservation Order.
(1) An investigative officer may apply to court for an order for
the expeditious preservation of data that has been stored or processed
by means of a computer system or any other information and
communication technologies, where there are reasonable grounds to
believe that such data is vulnerable to loss or modification.

(2) For the purpose of subsection (1), data includes traffic data
and subscriber information.
(3) An order made under subsection (1) shall remain in force—

(a) until such time as may reasonably be required for the
investigation of an offence; or
(b) where prosecution is instituted, until the final determination
of the case or until such time as the court deems fit.

Select target paragraph3