Policy Statement 2: The policy will ensure that Government develops laws and
institutional framework to govern the use of electronic evidence, and to
coordinate development and utilisation of ICTs in Malawi.
Globalization and pervasiveness of crime and other security challenges have
brought perverse tendencies which are threats to national security. Malawi needs
to establish adequate capacity to deal with national security, violation of human
rights, undesirable impacts of ICTs including the violation of privacy, spread of
undesirable materials, cyber-crimes, digital frauds and terrorism. Surveillance and
readiness of security agencies require the use of specialized skills and ICTs.
Policy Statement 1: Government shall create statutory obligations for ICT

service providers to address security needs of the country.
Policy Statement 2:

Government shall enhance the capacity of security

agencies to be up to date with developments in the ICT sector, including
cyber crimes.
Policy Statement 3: Government shall use ICTs to provide early warnings to
mitigate risks and impact of disasters and facilitate relief management.
Policy Statement 4:

Government shall promote the use of ICTs to mitigate

crimes and enhance public security.
Policy Statement 5:

Government shall establish mechanisms for cooperation

with international security agencies to combat cross-border crimes.

ICT is the key element in the globalisation process. Countries cannot operate in
isolation and close cooperation between different countries is of great importance.
In accordance with the existing foreign policy, the Government of Malawi will
therefore, consolidate the existing regional and international relationships in the
ICT sector and establish new ones where they do not exist.
Policy Statement 1:

Government shall ensure that Malawi is a major and

regular player in the regional and international ICT committees and increase the
level of participation in regional and international ICT fora.

Select target paragraph3