An analysis of Malawi’s ICT environment currently indicates that there is need to
build and enhance ICT strategic leadership for an integrated and responsive
national ICT programme. The policy aims at establishing strategic ICT leadership
at all levels of society to take the lead in sourcing; creating an attractive
environment for investors and consumers; identifying areas needing priority
funding and support; and obtaining and directing resources.
Objective: To provide sustained high level ICT leadership and championship
oversight, inspiration and political goodwill.
Policy Statement 1: The policy will ensure that Government shall raise the level
of awareness among those in leadership positions on the role, use, application
and potential of ICT.
Policy Statement 2:

The policy will ensure that Government shall raise the

profile of ICT in the society and promote confidence in utilizing ICTs to the

The value of human capital is increased through education, healthcare and
acquisition of skills through training. Currently, there is limited access to health,
education and training services by the majority of Malawians. The integration of
ICT in service delivery within the education and health sectors will facilitate and
accelerate interventions in human capital development.

To increase access to healthcare, education and training facilities

through ICT utilization.
Policy Statement 1: The policy will ensure that Government shall integrate ICTs
in the education systems at all levels in order to improve access to and quality of
education; improve management of education systems.
Policy Statement 2: The policy will ensure that Government shall integrate ICTs
in the health delivery systems at all levels in order to improve access to the


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