The I nformat io n C ommunic at io n T e c hno

l o gy P

rac titi o ne r s B i l l,



A Bill for

AN ACT of Parliament to proyide for the training,
registration, licensing, practice and standards of
ICT practitioners and for connected purposes
ENACTED by the Parliament of Kenya,



1. This Act may be cited as the Information Shorttitle'

Communication Technology Practitioners Act, 2016.

2. (1) In this Act, unless the context otherwise

"Council" means the Council

of the


established under section 3;

"Cabinet Secretary" means the Cabinet Secretary for

the time being responsible for matters relating


information communication technology ;

"Information Communication Technology (ICT)"
means technologies employed in collecting, storing,
processing, using or sending out information and include
those involving the use of computers, mobile apparatus or
any telecommunication system;

"ICT practitioner (ICTP)" means a person registered
under this Act as an ICT practitioner who is also licensed
under section 20 to practice as such;

"ICT practice" means the practice of ICT as the case
may be, for a fee or gain either in kind or cash;

"Institute" means the ICT Practitioners Institute
established under section 3;

"practicum" means

an ongoing,

supervised and

organized practical experience or intemship prescribed as
part of the qualifications for the award of any degree or
diploma and obtained in an integrated training program
recognized by the Council;

"Registet'' means the register

of ICT


maintained under section 17.


(2) The expressions "legally qualified ICT practitioner
and "duly qualified ICT practitioner" or any words



person recognized

by law as an ICT


Select target paragraph3