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integral part of Development rather that technology focus
ICT Parks
An high technology industrial area (park) specially
designed to attract local and foreign direct investment in
ICTs with many of the products produced designed for export
market; usually this would also house incubator projects.
Incubator Projects
ICT projects designed for as start-up ventures with the hope
of growing from a start-up to a self sustaining
organizations after initial capital outlay and possible
management consultancy
Embraces the use of computers, telecommunications and office
Systems technologies for the collection, processing, storing,
packaging and dissemination of information
Refers to telecommunication backbone network over which
communication services (Radio, TV, Internet, data delivery etc)
Can bemade; complimentary infrastructure includes roads,
electricity, schools etc that help in spreading the development
and use of ICTs.
A seamless and global network of individual, organisational
And national computer systems providing services such as
internet browsing to users across the globe 24 hours a day
Knowledge Based
Refers to a country or region where ICT is extensively used to
enhance the knowledge of society in general so that higher
human capital brings improvement to the economy
The authority on regulation of telecommunications broadcasting,
information technology and postal services arising from the
convergence of technologies and services.
Rural ICT Development
Basket funding from licensed operators and other
sources designed to subsidies the provision of ICT services in
rural and underserved areas.
Online Publishing.
The provision of content using ICT tools such as the
Internet; currently, the major daily newspapers are
published on the internet and are accessed by anyone in the