This Application is supported by the affidavit of the 3rd Applicant Joseph Magezi who states in
the first paragraph of the affidavit that he swears it on his own behalf and on behalf of his
brothers Timothy Magezi and Paul Magezi who are shareholders in the 1st Applicant.
The background of this Application is Civil Suit No. 467 of 2013. The 1st and 2nd Applicants
who were dealers in floor tiles entered into an arrangement with the 1st Respondent whose
purpose was to expand their business. In this the 1st Respondent was to inject capital into the
business but as time went by disagreement arose wherein the parties found themselves in court.
A Consent Judgment was entered wherein the 4th Respondent signed on behalf of the Applicants.
This Consent Judgment filed on the 20th of February 2015 signed by the Registrar on the 2nd
March 2015 was in the following terms;
“BY CONSENT of the parties, it is hereby agreed that Judgment be and is
hereby entered in the following terms;
1. CTM Uganda shall pay to Italtile Limited, Italtile Ceramics (Pty) Ltd,
Italtile Mauritius Limited and Italtile Franchising (Pty) Ltd (“the
Italtile Group”) ,the amount of USD 1,650,000.00( One million six
hundred and fifty thousand, United States Dollars), on or before 17
October 2015;
2. CTM Uganda is to make payment in 1 above , into the following bank
Webber Wentzel
First National Bank
Main Street Johannesburg