In the interest of the provision of Telecommunications services from the already installed
payphones and in pursuance to section 25 (2) b of KCA (1998) and section 47 of the
Kenya Communication Regulations, the Commission directs as follows:
1. That the proposed interconnect rate of Kshs. 1.67 for local payphone calls be
applied for KenCell local payphone calls terminating on the TKL network as an
interim interconnect rate with effect from 1st November, 2001 to facilitate
commencement of the payphone services by KenCell.
2. That TKL and KenCell endeavour to continue to negotiate as KenCell proceeds to
provide payphone services on the already installed payphones and that an
interconnect agreement to be filed with the Commission for approval within three
(3) months from the date hereof.
3. That KenCell supply to TKL all the payphone numbers on their network and to
continually update TKL's records on installation and activation of such numbers.