The Media Law
Art. 1.
|Definition of the Media & Its objectives
The media is the system through which information; knowledge, speeches, data and ideas could be
disseminated to the society while utilizing visual, auditory and printed devices. Such as newspapers, radios,
televisions, press agencies, websites, speeches, films, hand drawings, books and any other printed material
exhibited openly to the pubic
. Objectives of the Media:
a) Safeguarding and promoting the Islamic religion, justice, culture, democracy, solidarity and unity of
the Somali state and the nation.
b) Promoting the public awareness and education
c) Disseminating right information and ideology.
Art. 2.
Freedom of the Media.
1. The media is free to disseminate information and data while coping with the laws regulating it and the
state laws.
2. Freedom of Expression and ideas is guaranteed by the transitional Federal charter of the Somali
government as depicted in article 20 section 1 and 2, Universal Declaration of human Rights (UDHR),
and the international treaties as well as the regional and global conventions in which Somalia is a
3. The media cannot be censored and cannot be compelled to publicize information complementary
neither to the government nor to the opposition.
Art. 3.
The Media Law.
1. The media code will regulate the diverse activities of the media regardless to whether it is public or
privately owned.
2. The law will regulate the relations existing between the ministry of information media while
standardizing the relations between the media organization, the society and the government.
Art. 4
Privately Owned media
1. it is permissible to all Somali citizens, organizations and companies to open a private media where
they will have the right to open the media when they complete the following requirements:
a)To write an application specifying the nature of the media intended to be established and to confer
with the ministry of information and the National Media Council
B) To submit the type of media they want, its capacity , its power, its quality ,and whether it is sole
proprietorship or a company , the working technique and the frequency and canals of its
d) That the devices utilized should not jeopardize the environment and the efficiency of the media.
2. All the operating private media operating currently should forward a request for the authorization to
operate while presenting all information concerning their respective media such as orgnigrams, structure
and other needed pertinent data to the National Media Council.
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