Art.1647.-Attribution of the right.
(1) The author of a work of the mind shall have on the work he created, by the
mere fact of his creation, an incorporeal right of ownership,
(2) He shall have such right regardless of the nature, form of expression, merit or
purpose of the work.
(3) He shall have such right notwithstanding that he executed the work in
pursuance of a contract of employment or a contract for the performance of a
project entered into with a third party.
Art. 1648.- Works of the mind.
The following works shall be deemed to be works of the mind:
(a)literary works such as books, booklets, articles in reviews and news papers,
lectures, speeches, sermons, theatrical and other dramatic works; and
(b) musical compositions with or without text, dramatic-musical works, radio
phonic or radio visual works, choreographic works or pantomimes the
production of which is reduced to writing or otherwise; and
(c) the works of the figurative arts such as drawings, paintings, engravings and
sculptures, as well as photographic and cinematographic works; and
(d) illustrations, maps, plans, sketches, plastic works pertaining to geography,
topography, architecture or other sciences; and
(e) any other work created by the intelligence of their author and presenting an
original character.
Art. 1649.- Translations and adaptations.
Without prejudice to the rights of the author of the original work, translations,
adaptations, musical arrangements and other renderings of a literary or artistic
work shall be protected as original works.
Art. 1650.- Encyclopedia and anthologies.
Collections of literary or artistic works such as encyclopedia or anthologies
which by the choice or arrangement of the material constitute intellectual
creations shall be protected as such without prejudice to the rights of the authors
over each of the works included in such collections.
Art. 1651.-Official text.
(1) official texts of a legislative, administrative or judicial nature shall not be
subject to the provisions of this Title.
(2) They may be freely reproduced.
Art. 1652.-Right of publication.
(1) Only the author shall have the right to publish his work.
(2) After his death, this right shall pass to the person named by him or, in default
of such person, to the heirs of the author.

Select target paragraph3