(1bis) Any place outside Swaziland may be deemed by the Commissioner to be a place
of entry for Swaziland through which goods may be imported or exported, or where goods
may be landed for transit or where goods may be entered for customs and excise purposes.
(Added A.11/1988.)
(2) If any places, roads, routes, means of carriage, sheds, entrances, exits or container
terminals, as the case may be, have been appointed or prescribed by the secretary under
and paragraph of subsection (1), only such places, roads, routes, means of carriage, sheds,
entrances, exits or container terminals so appointed or prescribed may, subject to subsection
(3), be used or employed for the purposes for which they have been so appointed or prescribed under such paragraph, and, if any hours have been prescribed under subsection
(1)(i) during which any places, road, route, shed, entrances or exit may be used, such place,
road, routs, shed, entrances or exit shall be used only during such hours. (Added A.10/1978.)
(3) The pilot of an aircraft arriving in Swaziland shall, unless the Commissioner has
granted him special permission to land elsewhere, make his first landing at a duty airport and
shall forthwith take his aircraft to the examination station at that airport: (Amended A.5/1991.)
Provided that this subsection shall not apply if —
(a) the pilot is forced by stress of weather, accident or other circumstances beyond
his control to land at a place not so appointed;
(b) he reports to the controller nearest the place where he was forced to land or to.
the controller at the first place of entry or duty airport at which he next arrives;
(c) he complies with the regulations.
(4) Subject to this Act, any person on foot or in charge of a vehicle entering or leaving a
duty airport or entering or leaving Swaziland by road at a place where an officer is stationed,
shall stop or bring such vehicle to a stop for the purpose of being searched or examined by
such officer should he so require, and such person shall not proceed or cause his vehicle to
proceed until permitted by such officer.
(5) If any such person fails to stop, or to bring such vehicle to a stop or proceeds or
causes such vehicle to proceed without permission, the officer may take such action, including the use of any force which may be reasonably necessary to stop such person or vehicle,
and no person shall be entitled to any compensation for any loss or damage arising out of
any bona fide action of an officer under this section.
(6) The owner or occupier of any transit shed shall, if so required by the Commissioner,
provide accommodation to the satisfaction of the Commissioner to any officer whom the
Commissioner considers necessary to station at such shed.

Select target paragraph3