4/ Until the procedure for determining and assessing effective control referred to in sub
articles (1) to (3) of this Article shall be laid down by specific law, in the absence of evidence
to the contrary, a person shall be regarded as exercising such control if he either directly or
indirectly holds fifteen percent or more of the shares or capital of the entity .
5/ For the purpose of Article 5(1) of this Proclamation, a company is of an Ethiopian
nationality if its total capital originates from a local source or persons holding its capital or
voting rights are Ethiopian nationals and it does not include a company whose capital or
voting rights are helld by a locally registered business organization in which foreign
nationals acquired voting rights. Similarly an association is considered as local if it is
registered as local association in accordance with the charities and associations law.
6/ Any person who is not a juridical person may not own a broadcasting service, news
agency service or periodicals.
7/ The provisions of this Article shall also apply to a mass media from abroad which facus
primarily on domestic issues and which have been produced primarily for local audiences.
8. Distributors
Entities which offer distribution services to periodicals shall not discriminate in either the
provision of those services or the fees charged for them on the basis of the content of a
9. Certificate of Registration
1/ Anyone who desires to publish a periodical shall register such periodical by providing the
information referred to in sub article (3) , with the Ministry of Information where the
proposed distribution goes beyond one regional state, or with the Information Bureau of the
Region where the proposed distribution is restricted to one regional state.
2/ Where the activity given by law to or the purpose of any entity or public body or
organization requires publishing a periodical, such organization or public body shall be
deemed registered in accordance with sub article (1) of this Article.
3/ The application for registration shall include the following particulars:
a)the name and address of the publisher or the news `agency organization as well as of any
branch offices if any;
b) the name of the periodical or the news service agency; and

Select target paragraph3