a)a record that has been submitted to the cabinet for its consideration or is proposed by a
head of the public body to be so submitted, being a document that was brought into
existence for the purpose of submission for consideration by the cabinet;
b) an official document of a cabinet;
c) a document that is a copy of, or a part of, or contains an extract from, the document
referred to in sub-article(a)or (b); or a record the disclosure of which would involve the
disclosure of any deliberation or decision of cabinet, or its committee other than a document
by which a decision of the cabinet was officially published.
25.Economic Interests and Financial Welfare of the Country and Commercial Activities of Public
1/The public relation officer may refuse a request for access to a record of the body or a
request to conform the existence or non existence of any information if its disclosure would
likely to jeopardize the economic interests or financial welfare of the nation or the ability of
the government to mange the economy of the country.
2/The information referred to in sub-article (1) includes, without limiting the generality of that
sub article, information about;
a)a contemplated change in , or maintenance of, a policy substantially affecting the
currency, coinage, legal tender, exchange rates or foreign investment;
b) a contemplated change in or decision not to change; credit or interest rates, customs or
excise duties, taxes or nay other source of revenue, the regulation or supervision of
financial institutions, government borrowing, or the regulation of prices of goods or services,
rents or wages, salaries or other incomes; or
c) a contemplated sale or acquisition of immovable or movable property or a contemplated
international trade agreement.
3/ The information referred to in sub-article (2) /c/ includes, without limiting the generality of
that sub article, information about an agreement, or contemplated agreement, to transfer
any interest in or right to shares in the capital of a public body to any person which is not a
public body refereed to in article (2) /4/ of the definition of „public body
4/ unless the record consists information already publicly available or information about or
owned by public body other than the public body to which the request is made ,which has
consented in writing to its disclosure to the requester ,or information about results of any
product or environmental testing or other investigations carried out by or on behalf of the