III.3.3: Cable Installation along Roadway
Cable installation along Road way shall strictly observe the following requirements:
– The cables shall be laid in ducts buried to depths of not less than 80 cm or 1.5 m in
road reserves. In case the soil conditions does not allow to achieve the aforementioned
minimum required depths; the special request for smaller depth shall be sent to the
Regulatory Authority, who will assess and provide the feedback based on case


Comply with all provisions and guidelines established by the Regulatory Authority
and concerned authorities;
Comply with the provided schedule and not go beyond three (3) days;
Reserve at least the horizontal distance of 1 metre between the existing underground
utilities and the new cable, and if not possible use tape marking to indicate the
location of fiber optic cable and make informed the network provider of existing
utility five days before excavation;
Place the barriers and road signs required by current laws during excavation works;


If the excavation must remain open or the road will be otherwise obstructed during
the night or under low-visibility conditions, road signs shall be complemented by
lighting devices of the color, shape and size stipulated by the traffic code;


Trenches should be backfilled to the original state and backfill shall be strong enough
to support any kind of stresses;


Put an identification sign (marker) stated by these guidelines to illustrate your cable

III.3.4: Existing Utility Damages
In case of damages of any existing infrastructure, the owner will repair the damaged
infrastructure and negotiate the cost with the applicant in a period of two weeks from the
declaration of the matter. The form provided in the appendix6 will be used by the two parties
to sign an agreement on restoration of damages; if the negotiations fail, the provisions
stipulated by article 49 of the Law n° 44/2001 governing telecommunications will be applied.

III.3.5: Cleaning
The following operations shall be carried out after excavating the trench:

Remove spoils from the sides of the excavation (Spoil must be transported to
authorized disposal sites in accordance with local authority requirements.);

Select target paragraph3