Article 35: As an exception to subparagraph 2 of the preceding Article, where the work
is a computer program, any reproduction without the consent of the copyright holder,
other than the making of a backup copy by the user, shall be unlawful.
Article 36: As an exception to copyright, a library or archive service whose activities are
not directly or indirectly profitmaking may make individual copies of a work by means
of reprographic reproduction:
1 where the work reproduced is an article or a short work or a short extract from a
written work other than a computer program, with or without illustration, published in a
collection of works or in an issue of a newspaper or periodical, and where the purpose of
reproduction is to fulfill the request of a natural person;
2 where the making of such copy is for the purpose of preserving the work and, if
necessary, replacing it or for replacing a copy that has been lost, destroyed or rendered
unusable in the permanent collection of another library or archive service.
Article 37: As an exception to copyright, it shall be permitted to reproduce, broadcast or
communicate by cable to the public an image of a work of architecture, a work of fine art,
a photographic work or a work of applied art that is permanently located in a place open
to the public, except where the image of the work is the main subject of such
reproduction or communication and where it is used for profitmaking purposes.
Article 38: As an exception to copyright, a broadcasting organization may, without the
consent of the author and without payment of separate remuneration, make an ephemeral
recording by means of its own facilities and for the purposes of its own broadcasts of a
work that it is authorized to broadcast. The broadcasting organization shall be required to
destroy such recording within six months of its having been made, unless a longer period
has been agreed with the author of the work thus recorded. However, without such
agreement, a single copy of such recording may be kept for the exclusive purpose of the
conservation of archives.
Section 4: Term of protection
Article 39: The author shall, during his lifetime, enjoy the exclusive right to exploit his
work in any form whatsoever and to derive monetary profit therefrom.
On the author's death, this right shall subsist for his successors in title during the current
calendar year and for seventy (70) years thereafter.
Article 40: In the case of works of joint authorship, with the exception of audiovisual
and radio works of joint authorship, the calendar year taken into account shall be that of
the death of the last surviving joint author.
The term of protection of audiovisual and radio works of joint authorship shall expire
fifty (50) years after the work has been lawfully made accessible to the public or, where