and, as soon as is practicable, thereafter the Cabinet shall
inform the President accordingly or the Speaker shall inform
the President and the National Assembly accordingly, as the
case may be.
(7) Where under clause (5) the medical board reports
that the President is incapable of discharging the functions
of the office of President, the Chief Justice shall certify in
writing accordingly and−
(a) where the investigation was carried out at the
instance of the Cabinet, submit the findings to
the Cabinet, and the Cabinet shall inform the
President of the findings and submit the
findings to the Speaker; or
(b) where the investigation was carried out at the
instance of the National Assembly, submit the
findings to the Speaker and the Speaker shall
inform the President of the findings.
(8) Where the Speaker receives a report under clause
(7), the speaker shall,−
(a) where the National Assembly is sitting or has
been summoned to meet within five days,
cause the findings of the medical board to be
considered by the Assembly as soon as is
practicable; or
(b) where the National Assembly is not sitting,
immediately summon the Assembly to meet
and cause the findings of the medical board to
be considered at that meeting.
(9) Where the National Assembly, when if meets
pursuant to clause (8), resolves by the votes of not less that
two-thirds of the number of its members that the finding of
the medical board be adopted, the President shall cease to
hold office on the passing of the resolution.