(c) following the date on which the office next
becomes vacant.

(2)A person shall hold office as President under this
Constitution for not more than three terms.
(3)The office of President becomes vacant−
(a) on the expiration of the period specified in
clause (1);
(b) 	 where an election for the office of President
is held before the expiration of five years
referred to in clause (1), on the date next
following the date of declaration of the
election of President; or
(c) where the incumbent dies or resigns or is
removed from office under this Constitution.
(4)Where, but for this clause, the office of President would
become vacant on a particular date by reason of the operation
of clause (3)(a), but on that date an election held under article
51 has not resulted in the election of the President, the
incumbent President shall continue to hold office until the end
of the day on which the President is elected under article 51.
(5)The President may, by writing addressed to the Speaker,
resign from the office of President.
(6)Where a period of public emergency subsists at the time
when the term of office of President would end, the National
Assembly may, by resolution approved by a majority of the
members of the Assembly, extend the term of office of
President —
(a) 	where there is a declaration of a state of
emergency, for not more than six months at
a time but up to a maximum aggregate
period of twelve months;
(d) where Seychelles is at war, for not more
than twelve months at a time but up to a
maximum aggregate period of forty-eight

Select target paragraph3