(8) Subject to a clause (9), all proceedings of every court and
proceedings for the determination of the existence or extent of any
civil right or obligation before any court or other authority,
including the announcement of the decision of the court or other
authority, shall be held in public.
(9) Anything in clause (8) shall not prevent the court or other
authority from excluding from the proceedings, except for the
announcement of the decision of the court or other authority,
persons other than the parties thereto, their legal representatives
and legal practitioners to such extent as the court or other
(a) may by law be empowered so to do and may
consider necessary in the circumstances where
publicity would prejudice the interests of justice, or
interlocutory proceedings, or in the interests of
public morality, the welfare of persons under the
age of eighteen years or the protection of the
privacy of persons concerned in the proceedings; or
(b) may by law be empowered or required to do so in
interests of defence, public safety or public order.
(10) Anything contained in or done under the authority of any law
necessary in a democratic society shall not be held to be
inconsistent with or in contravention of−
(a) clause (1), (2) (e) or (8), to the extent that the law in
question makes necessary provision relating to the
grounds of privilege or public policy on which
evidence shall not be disclosed or witnesses are not
competent or cannot be compelled to give evidence
in any proceedings;
(b) clause (2) (a), to the extent that the law in question
imposes upon any person charged with an offence
the burden of proving particular facts or declares
that the proof of certain facts shall be prima facie
the offence or of any element thereof;