Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 5S

19- July, 2004.

FederalNegarit Gazeta- No. SS

2.	 Definition
In	 this Proclamation unless the context otherwise
II	 "Audio-visual work" means a work that consists
of a series of related images, which impart the
impression of motion, with or without
sounds, susceptible of being made
, ;	
visible; by any appropriate device, and includes a
cinematographic or other film.


"Copyright" means an economic right subsisting in
a work and where appropriate includes moral right
of an author;


"Court" means the Federal high Court.


"Database" means an aggregate of information,
articles, numerical or diagrams which is
systematically constructed, 'so that such
information can be searched for with the aid of a


"Fixation" means the embodiment of works or
images or sounds, or of the representations
thereof, from which they can be perceived,
reproduced of communicated through a device
prepared for the purpose;

21	 "Author" means the person who has
intellectually created a work and includesa) in the case of a computer program, person who
has created the program;
b) in the case of a photograph, the person
responsible for its composition.
3/	 "Broadcasting," means, transmission by wireless
means for public reception of sounds or of images
and sounds.

19111 July, 2004 .....

12/	 "Hired work" means a work created by an author
hired or commissionedby a person;

4/	 "Broadcasting organization" means a radio,
television, and cable television station or satellite.

13/ "Musical composition" means a work consisting of
,music, exclusive of any words or action intended
to be sung, spoken or performed with the music:



"Neighboring rights" means the rights of
performers, . producers of sound recordings,
broadcasting organizations over their works.


'Office' means the Ethiopian Intellectual
Property Office' established by Proclamation
No. 320/2003;

"Collective work" means a literary and artistic
work created by two or more physical persons at the
initiative and under the direction of a person with
the understanding that it will be disclosed in the
name of the latter person without indicating the
identityof the contributor;

6/ "Communication to the public" means the
transmission by wire or without wire images or
sounds or both of a work, a performance, a sound
recording or a broadcast in such Ii way that the
images or sounds can be perceived by a person
outside the normal circle of Ii family and its closest
social acquaintance at a place or places' so distant
from the place where the transmission originates,
that without the transmission the images or sounds
would not be perceivable and, further, irrespective
of whether the persons can receive the images or
sounds at the same place and time, or at different
places and lor times individuallychosen by them;

7/	 "computer program" means a set of instructions,
expressed in words, codes, schemes or in any other
form, which is capable, when incorporated in a
machine-readable medium, of causing a computer to
perform or achieve a particular task or result.

161 "Owner of Copyright" means the author where
the economic rights are vested in the author,
where the economic rights are originally vested
in a natural person other than the author or in a
legal entity, that person or entity, where the
ownership of the economic rights has been
transferred to !l natural person or legal entity,
that person or entity;

17/ 'Person' means natural or juridical person;

18/ "Photographic work" means a recording of light or
other radiation on any medium on which an image
is produced or from which an image may by any
means be produced, and which is not part of a film;

Select target paragraph3