Article 9: Temporary withdrawal of the press card
The Media High Council may, upon request by a media enterprise, or on its own initiative,
temporarily withdraw the press card from a journalist in case of:
1° any serious deliberate violation of provisions of this law or those of the journalists code of
2° loss of capacity of a professional journalist proved by an authorized medical doctor ;

3° not having any other media organ he or she works for in case of a journalist for whom the
card was requested.

Before withdrawing the press card, the journalist is given time to provide his /her
explanations. In case of an offence, the competent court may order the Media High Council to
temporarily withdraw the press card from the offender.
Any journalist who is no longer exercising the profession is required to surrender his/her press
card in a period not exceeding seven (7) business days.
Article 10: Procedures respected in surrendering the press card

Upon consideration of the reasons that led to withdrawal of the card, a journalist shall be given
back his/ her press card upon request in case:
1° it is approved by a government authorized medical team that he / she has recovered from
the sickness that hindered him / her from practicing the profession;
2° he / she secured another media enterprise to work for;
3° he / she completes the administrative sanction awarded to him / her.
Article 11: Permanent withdrawal of the press card

The Media High Council, at own initiative or upon request, shall permanently withdraw the
press card from a practising journalist, whether a Rwandan or a foreigner who is convicted of
one of the following offences:
1° crime;
2° divisionism and discrimination of any form.

Article 12: Responsibilities of a journalist
A journalist shall have to fulfill the following main responsibilities:
1° to disseminate information;
2° to educate, train people and promote leisure activities;

3° to defend the freedom of information, comment and analyzing the existing information;

Select target paragraph3