to ensure that information and communication services including telecommunication
services are reasonably accessible at affordable cost nationwide and are supplied
as efficiently and economically as practicable and at performance standards that
reasonably meet the social, educational, industrial, commercial and, other needs of
to encourage the optimum use of information and communication technologies in
business, industry and the country at large, the introduction of new technology and
the investment in infrastructure and services;
to promote the efficiency and international competitiveness of Mauritius in the
information and communication sector;
(g) to further the advancement of technology, research and development relating to
information and communication technologies through modern and effective
infrastructure taking into account the convergence of information technology,
media, telecommunications and consumer electronics;
to advise the Minister on all matters relating to information and communication
technologies and on matters relating to the Authority generally.
Powers of the Authority
The Authority, in addition to the powers it has under section 37 of the Interpretation
and General Clauses Act, may (a)
commission expert evaluations, conduct studies, collect data related to the
information and communication industry;
authorise any person to conduct such technical tests or evaluations relating
to information and communication services including telecommunication as
it thinks fit.
For the purposes of subsection (1), the Authority may require a public operator who
holds a licence granted under this Act to provide information on the use, area of
coverage and means of
access to his service.
The Authority shall have the power to make such determinations, issue such
directives and guidelines, and do such acts and things, as are incidental or conducive to the
attainment of its objects and the discharge of its functions.
Amended by [Act No. 38 of 2011]
Functions of the Authority
The Authority shall (a)
implement the policy of government relating to the information and
communication industry;