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measures that are normally of the domain of the law.
The ordinances are taken in the Council of Ministers after [the] opinion of the
Administrative Chamber of the Supreme Court.
They enter into force on their publication but become lapsed if the bill of law of
ratification is not deposited before the National Assembly before the date
established by the enabling law.
At the expiration of the time period mentioned in the first paragraph of this Article,
the ordinances may only be modified further by the law in those matters which are of
the legislative domain.

Article 126
The members of the Government have access to the National Assembly and to its
They are heard at the demand of a Deputy or of a Commission.
They may be assisted by collaborators.
• Organic laws

Article 127
The organic law is a law which specifies or completes one or more constitutional
It may only be promulgated if the Constitutional Council, obligatorily referred to [the
matter] by the President of the Republic, has declared it in conformity with the
The provisions relative to the enabling to legislate granted to the Government, and
those granted to the commissions of delegation [concerning] the right to take
measures which are of the domain of the law[,] are not applicable to the organic laws.

Article 128
The program laws determine the objectives of the economic and social action of the
• Finance bills

Article 129
The laws of finance determine the resources and the obligations [charges] of the
State within the conditions and under the reserves provided for by an organic law.
The National Assembly votes the bills of the law of finance within the conditions
provided for by an organic law.
The bill of the law of finance is deposited with the Bureau of the National Assembly
at the latest on the eve of the opening of the second ordinary session.
The National Assembly has eighty (80) days at most to vote on the bill of the law of
If, by result of a case of force majeure, the Government could not deposit the bill of
the law of finance of the year in a timely fashion for the National Assembly to deal
with it, before the end of the ordinary session [and] within the time period specified
in the preceding paragraph, that [session] is, immediately and of plain right, followed
by an extraordinary session of which the duration is at most equal to the time
necessary to complete the said time period.

Chad 1996 (rev. 2005)

Page 23

Select target paragraph3